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The family story of the Lin sisters - S30s from Sino-doll Most of the Sino doll lovers already know that the S30 models are Sino doll's best sellers. Those pretty anime faces turned the company into a leading silicone doll manufacturer with worldwide reach. Today I would like to take things from a different perspective. Instead of telling you wonderful things about Sino doll I would like to present you the Sino Lin sisters, a fiction that hasn't been told yet. Sit tight and let’s start this exciting journey within the Sino Lin family.

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As some of you might know, Sino-doll will soon release their new collection. They named it Top Sino: T-Sino. This collection will be a limited collection and available only on a few selected vendors' website. My Robot Doll is very excited and honored to be one of them. You will be able to discover this new luxury collection on our website on the product release day.

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MZR Doll is a relatively new Chinese doll maker founded in late 2019. The company is headed by industry veterans: very experienced designers and sculptors who previously held leading positions at major doll brands. Their current business is mainly in China and Japan. There are very good customer reviews on MZR Doll. My Robot Doll is the mandated agent of MZR Doll for overseas market outside China and Japan.

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Why do you need options on your sex doll? Love dolls are very personal and intimate sex toys. Each person has very different tastes from one another. Depending on the background, the origin and sexual experiences, people can have complete opposite judgements on beauty and sexual preferences. It is impossible to propose a standard product for massive production and sell the same sex doll to everyone. That is part of the reason why those realistic sex dolls are considered as luxury goods. A sex doll is often priced between $1500 and $10 000 depending on the brand and the chosen custom options.

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