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SE Doll Sex Dolls

Poupées Et Robots Sexuels De La Marque SE Doll

Logo SE Doll

SE Doll is a premium TPE sex doll maker specializing in female sex dolls and moving sex robots. They released in the 2nd quarter in 2020 the new revolutionary moving sex robots who perform spinal movements to facilitate oral, vagina and anal penetration with a 3-speed level remote control. Their sex dolls have M16 head connectors that are compatible with all WM Dolls. SE mandates their production to the JinSan factory who also produces WM Dolls. 

Below are some of the elf examples done by SE Doll with different skin colors.

The realistic body painting are available for both TPE and Silicone bodies. Paid option for TPE bodies and default built-in realistic body painting for silicone bodies.

The articulated finger joints made of metal released by Jinsan factory. This option will be applicable for both SE Doll and WM Doll for TPE bodies only.

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* Price may vary depending on different body configurations