Payment Instructions

Accepted Payment Methods

American Express / Maestro / Mastercard / PayPal / Visa / Bank Transfer (ACH | Wire | Swift) / iDeal / Google Pay / Apple Pay

Payment methods

Accepted Currencies


If you would like a quote in your preferred currency, please contact us, and we will provide a corresponding payment link.

Discreet Billing

Your purchase will appear on your billing statement as "Skylite SRL," our official company name. Please note this to avoid any confusion when reviewing your statement.

Credit Card Payments in EUR or GBP

Customers in the Eurozone or the UK can pay via credit card, iDeal, or Bancontact directly in EUR or GBP at a competitive exchange rate, helping you avoid unnecessary foreign exchange fees. We will send a payment link to your provided email address to proceed with the payment. Production of your order will begin once payment is received in full.

Please ensure you have appropriate banking transaction limits in place. Banks and credit card companies often set default limits, which can vary based on your spending habits and profile. These limits can usually be adjusted through your bank's website, app, or by contacting them directly.

  • Monthly or Weekly Limits: The total amount you can spend during a given week or month.
  • Transaction Limits: The maximum amount you can spend on a single transaction.
  • Online Payment Limits: Specific limits for online payments.
  • Country-Specific Limits: Limits for payments made in or to certain countries.

If your payment is rejected despite entering your credit card information correctly, please do not attempt multiple payments. Instead, contact your bank or credit card company to resolve the issue and adjust your limits if necessary.

Bank Transfer Payments

We have established local bank accounts in several countries to facilitate efficient and cost-effective bank transfers in the following currencies: EUR, USD, AUD, GBP, SGD, and CAD. This setup allows you to pay via Bank, SEPA, Swift, ACH, or wire transfer through a local bank account in your currency area, reducing currency conversion and international transfer fees.

We offer competitive exchange rates without commission for payments via bank transfer in these currencies (currently 1.095 $ per €).

For other currencies not listed, we accept payments via Swift transfer to our European bank account, providing flexibility and convenience for clients worldwide.

Please specify this payment method in your order instructions or contact us at after placing your order. We will provide the details of our local bank account in your country. Production of your order will begin once we confirm your payment.

Financing Options

While we do not offer direct financing, you may have the option to use PayPal Credit during checkout, depending on your location and eligibility. Please refer to PayPal's terms and conditions for more details on how to apply and qualify for this service.

Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding payment methods or encounter any issues, please contact us at or via Messenger. We are here to assist you.