A Limited Collection Will Soon Be Released By Sino-Doll: T-Sino

A Limited Collection Will Soon Be Released By Sino-Doll: T-Sino

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As some of you might know, Sino-doll will soon release their new collection. They named it Top Sino: T-Sino. This collection will be a limited collection and available only on a few selected vendors' website. My Robot Doll is very excited and honored to be one of them. You will be able to discover this new luxury collection on our website on the product release day.

In the meantime we will make a weekly follow up to share the exclusive news with you about the ongoing preparation on Sino-doll's side for this new release. Sit tight ladies and gentlemen. This blog will be a living blog. 

13/08/2020: The show room of Sino-doll is full of the ready to be released T Sino-dolls.  The clock is ticking and let's keep waiting. We will see our new Sino girls in just a few days.

14/08/2020: In order to entertain you while waiting, we wrote a short fictional story about the The Lin Sisters - S30s From Sino-doll. We hope that you enjoy the reading. 

From Sino-Doll side, they are still busy taking new T-Sino product photos and videos. Should be completed very soon.

16/08/2020: Everything is ready ! Let's wait for Sino-doll to release the new T-Sino next week. We are so excited !!! 

17/08/2020: Less than 24 hours. The official release date for T-Sino is tomorrow on the 18th of August !

18/08/2020: Our updated list of available Sino-doll faces. Click on the photo to access the collection page and learn everything about the new Top-Sino models.

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